Webots R2021b released!

We are happy to announce this new release of our open-source robot simulator with many improvements including new models, better support of AI/ML applications, and a new Web Rendering Engine. See the full list of new features at:

ROS 1: This release brings a ros_control integration (please use the tarball package) and a Tiago simulation example (demonstrates ros_control, gmapping, and MoveIt integration).

ROS 2: We also released a new version of the webots_ros2 package (v1.1.0, waiting for the Foxy sync) which brings a few new packages:

  • webots_ros2_driver: A new Webots ROS 2 interface core designed for performance, extensibility with C++ plugins, and an easy configuration through URDF files.
  • webots_ros2_control: A webots_ros2 plugin that integrates the ros2_control framework. The plugin is featured in the webots_ros2_turtlebot package.
  • webots_ros2_tesla: The package demonstrates a simulation of automobiles with Webots and ROS 2. The Tesla Model 3 vehicle follows lanes using a simple OpenCV image processing.
  • webots_ros2_mavic: The package demonstrates a simulation of drones with Webots and ROS 2. The DJI’ Mavic 2 PRO drone uses a simple PD controller to follow the given geometry_msgs/Twist commands.

Web: The new Web Rendering Engine is ported from C++ to WebAssembly to ensure the same rendering as in the Webots desktop application. We also wrote an article in which we shared more technical details, some tips and results:

Get the new release from:


What a great collection of new features! We hadn’t considered Webots in the past but I’ll be taking a look. Do you have any comparison documentation to Gazebo/Ignition?

Unfortunately, I haven’t seen any comprehensive comparison, especially not in the ROS context. Here are some:

It would be very good that an independent person does a robot simulator comparison in the context of ROS. I will be happy to share Webots best practices.

Hallo Mike,

schau dir mal dieses Simulationstool an. Siehe unten. Damit kann man ROS Simulationen machen.

Doku >> https://cyberbotics.com/doc/blog/Webots-2021-b-release

Es bietet jetzt besondere Unterstützung für RL Simulationen mit Robotern an. Man kann mit dem Tool auch verschiedene Arten kommerziell verfügbarer Roboter simulieren, z.B. von MiR….weiter runterscrollen.

Auch verschiedene Sensoren können simuliert werden, wie z.B. der Sick Scanner, den wir auch verwenden.


Es gibt aber auch andere Sensoren. Mit Noise kann man auch speziell Sensorrauschen, also Fehler, mitbetrachten.

Schau mal rein, ob dir das weiterhilft.



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