Hi all, its your friendly neighborhood navigator here.
I’d like to propose the first annual Pre-ROSCon Pow-Wow Bash Extravaganza Spectacular SF-Edition™ this year prior to ROSCon itself in lovely Kyoto Japan. I’m very excited for the event and I hope you are too! There are some really fantastic speakers and talks lined up, make sure to check it out!
I’m looking to gather interest levels for an event so I can book the appropriate venue. The goal of this Pow-Wow Bash Extravaganza Spectacular is for SF Bay Area folks to mingle and chat before the event itself to make a few friends and geek out over the fantastic experience to come. Plus, its been a while since we did any sort of ROS community meetup in the Bay Area and I’d like to change that.
This event will take place in San Francisco, event location is TBA on interest level and what accomodations I can come up with for that level of interest. Please fill out the form below before September 10th. Tentatively I’m planning on the event taking place on October 14th or 15th. If there are important conflicts with those dates, please also let me know in the form below.
Happy… extravaganzaing? bashing? sorry, not really a good closer on this one,
Don’t get your hopes up too much, I’m just bad at naming things