ROS Quality Assurance Working Group March 2019 Meeting Notes


  1. Actions from last meeting (Adam)
    1. Gijs to raise PRs for ROS2 repositories
  2. Update on the QA Dashboard implementation (Matt Droter)
    1. Nicholas, Gijs and Matt have been building the solution for the QA Dashboard. Matt will provide an update in the progress.
  3. Discuss next initiative, Energize Continuous Integration.
    1. ROS CI is an “opt in” service. We suggest to query the ROS repositories to identify packages that have not opted in and contact their maintainers to understand their decision. We need to increase the adoption of CI and encourage them
    2. Improve “bad badges”: We suggest to query ROS packages with “bad badges” and contact their maintainers to persuade them to enhance the badges.

Actions from last meetings:

  1. Gijs raised PRs against these repositories:

    1. ament/ament_lint
    2. ros2/rcl
    3. ros2/rclcpp
    4. ros2/ros2cli
  2. It has been discussed to contact the maintainers of these repositories to kick off code review.

  3. Matt Droter provided an update to the group on the ongoing work to implement the QA Dashboard. Nicolas Limpert and Matt Droter are working on the Buildfarm integration. The repository details:

  4. Discussion:

    1. For the QA Dashboard, we discussed whether the feature should be an “opt in” or “opt out”. The advantages and the consequences of both options have been discussed. There was a consensus amongst the group to opt for “opt out” with a gradual roll out.
    2. The errors produced by Haros have been discussed. Andrzej suggested himself, Adnre Santos, and Gijs meet to go through these errors, and come up with a proposal.
  5. Actions from the meeting:

    1. Adam to organize a meeting with ROS2 maintainers to discuss the launch of code review.
    2. Andrzej to arrange a meeting with Gijs and Andre to discuss Haros errors (by the 1st of April)
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