ROS Summer School 2023

We are still having a couple of empty seats for this years ROS Summer School. Starting the August 14th and ending with a competition on August 25th, we are offering again a unique experience to learn ROS from scratch or deepen intermediate ROS knowledge with a lot of seminars, workshops and – of course – practical coding. The teaching material was updated to ROS2 in order to teach the newest ROS versions using the latest packages like e.g. Nav2 to guide our TurtleBots through the arena.
The Robot Operating System (ROS) summer school provides the right starter kit by using our robotic hardware and – of course – ROS software. We first start with some days of introductory courses, before we tackle the main task of mobile robotics, i.e. perception, localization, mapping and path planning. A highlight is a competition at the end of the second week: Summer School participants form different teams that have the task to design a typical mobile robotic application like indoor/outdoor exploration. They all use the same hardware, powered by their learnt ROS skills.
Topics covered:
Introduction to Mobile Robotics
ROS File System, ROS2 Concepts
ROS2 Communication and Teleoperation
Transformations, Robot Descriptions and Gazebo
Hardware and Sensors
Image Processing, Camera Calibration, April Tag Recognition
Localization and Navigation
SLAM and Path Planning (Nav2)
Participation in Final Robot Competition with TurtleBot3

Additionally, we offer excursions during the week to explore Aachen and other nearby cities (e.g. Cologne, Maastricht, Bonn). Last but not least, we have a welcome BBQ and a farewell BBQ. We hope that again many ROS enthusiasts will participate in the ROS Summer School! See you in Aachen in August!

ROS homepage: Please find further information on
Open for application, get registered here: ROS Summer School 2023

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