ROS News for July 17th, 2023
(this graphic is temporary, graphic design is my passion)
This week we announced our fifth ROSCon for 2023, ROSCon Germany . ROSCon Germany will take place 2023-11-23T08:00:00Z→2023-11-24T08:00:00Z in Karlsruhe, Germany. If you are interested in volunteering please reach out to @destogl. If you can’t wait until November there is a ROS Meetup in Stuttgart next Wednesday, 2023-07-26T16:00:00Z.
Our own @chfritz launched the beta for his new startup Transitive Robotics. Transitive Robotics is building a platform to address fleet-scale deployment, monitoring, and teleoperation of robots. Full coverage of the Beta is available on ROS Discourse and The Robot Report
A big shout out to our friends at PickNik. They’ve been killing it this summer. In the space of couple of weeks they released MoveIt 2.7 and MoveIt Studio 2.0, raised an undisclosed sum of money from Cypress Growth Capital, and launched a strategic partnership with SKA, They are also holding down Space ROS, and have been pushing for a robotics track at CPPCon.
Please join us next Wednesday for our our monthly Gazebo Community Meeting. At the meeting @roni-kreinin from Clearpath Robotics will be discussing they put together the TurtleBot4 simulator. If you are looking to get started with Humble and the latest version of Gazebo the TB4 simulation is a fantastic resource.
- 2023-07-26 Gazebo Community Meeting on TurtleBot4
- 2023-07-26 ROS Meetup Stuttgart
- 2023-07-26 Infrastructure Community Meeting
- 2023-07-27 Robotics Job Fair at Circuit Launch
- 2023-07-29 ROS Summer School China (FREE!)
- 2023-08-01 Women in Robotics at InOrbit Store
- 2023-08-01 Autoware Challenge Proposals Due
- 2023-08-03 ROS By-The-Bay –
lightning talk edition.
- 2023-08-14 - 2023-08-25 ROS Summer School
- 2023-08-20 PX4 Dev Summit Developer Diversity Scholarships
- 2023-09-19 → 2023-09-21 TechCrunch Disrupt (ROS Heavy Lineup)
- 2023-09-26 ROSCon JP
- 2023-09-29 ROSCon Madrid
- 2023-10-02 → 2023-10-04 IROS Simulated Humanoid Robot Wrestling Competition
- 2023-10-18 → 2023->10-20 ROSCon 2023 New Orleans
- 2023-10-21 → 2023->10-22 PX4 Developer Summit New Orleans
- 2023-11-23 → 2023-11-24 ROSCon Germany
- Open Robotics GSoC & Virtual Robot X
- Fantastic Guide to Maritime Robotics Sensors
- MotorTrend: How a 192-MPH Self-Driving Race Car Is Accelerating Autonomous Technology
- Bedrock Raises $25M for Maritime Robotics
- PickNik & SKA Strategic Partnership
- Cypress Growth Capital invests in PickNik
- Transitive Robotics Public Beta – ROS Discourse
- Drones on the Ceiling: An Exciting New Era in Indoor Security
- ForwardX Raises $61 Series C – Robot Report
- Neura Raises $55M – Robot Report
- Aurora Sells $820M in stock
- Botinkit Raises $13M
- Rice Robotics Raises $7M
- First Workshop on Photorealistic Image and Environment Synthesis for Robotics
- OpenCV 6DoF Estimation and OpenCV Competition Update
- NO DRIVER!!! All About the Indy Autonomous Challenge
- A General-Purpose Trajectory Optimizer for Multicopters
- TurtleBot Digs in Sand
- ROSCon Germany 2023
- ROSCon France Videos
- 5 Ways to Speedup Gazebo Simulations
- ScatCat Rover
- Visual Object Recognition in ROS
- ROS Summer School Seats Available
- 7 New and 323 Updated Packages for Rolling Ridley
- Rural Healthcare Robot
- How to Customize Autoware (Japanese)
- Fast DDS-Gen: the Source Code Generation Tool for Fast DDS
- How to use ArduSimple RTK receivers and get GPS data in ROS
- Introducing Topic Alias Extensions in Foxglove Studio
ROS Answers Questions
No ROS questions this week. Please read our post about the Stack Exchange migration and take action.