ROS 2 TSC Meeting Minutes: January 17th, 2019
These notes are being published a bit later than usual due to travel schedules. We’ll aim to be more timely with publishing these notes following future meetings.
- Attendees:
- Allison (TRI)
- Bob S (TARDEC)
- Brian G. (Open Robotics)
- Brian S. (LGE)
- Dejan (Apex.AI)
- Dirk (Open Robotics)
- Doug (Amazon)
- Karsten (Bosch)
- Lou (Microsoft)
- Louise (Open Robotics)
- Matt D (TARDEC)
- Matt H (Intel)
- Seonman (LGE)
- Tully (Open Robotics)
- (5 mins) [update] ROS copyright status (Brian)
- Pending questions (type of mark, description, and industry categories) answered; waiting on legal feedback.
- (5 mins) [update] DCO bot status (Dirk)
- Starting to enforce Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) for (some) ROS 2 repos
- Test repositories deployed, waiting for some feedback before deploying it widely. Not yet enforced for existing PRs.
- Plan to turn on enforcement and extend to more repositories in a few weeks.
- (5 mins) [update] Elevator pitch on ROS 2 (Brian)
- From Matt H.: ROS2 benefits key talking points - I had requested we create a short list of talking points we can all quickly refer to when asked what the benefits of ROS2 are over ROS. I know there was a presentation on this at ROSCon a few years back but it’s not really easy to point people to that. I think a “30-second elevator pitch” is more like what I’m looking for. I believe you said you would work on that?
- No update; Brian to generate
- From Matt H.: ROS2 benefits key talking points - I had requested we create a short list of talking points we can all quickly refer to when asked what the benefits of ROS2 are over ROS. I know there was a presentation on this at ROSCon a few years back but it’s not really easy to point people to that. I think a “30-second elevator pitch” is more like what I’m looking for. I believe you said you would work on that?
- (5 mins) [discussion] New WGs (Matt H.)
- Is there any interest from TSC members for a Real-time WG and a Safety WG? If so, do we have anyone who would lead either of those WGs?
- DP: Apex has been working on this. Can share their existing internal research.
- MH: Can be a forum for collaboration,
- KK: Interest from Bosch side
- MD: Large group interested in realtime from government sources
- Dejan is willing to lead a realtime group with Apex, Bosch and ROS-M participants.
- Updates from existing WGs
- Security
- DF: Ray Cole from AWS is current lead; need to check on whether to continue as-is.
- Navigation
- MH: on hiatus since Crystal; just getting restarted
- Security
- Is there any interest from TSC members for a Real-time WG and a Safety WG? If so, do we have anyone who would lead either of those WGs?
- (10 mins) [discussion] New members (Brian)
- Feedback on Process
- KK: It would be nice to have some metrics for contributions measurements in the applications
- What is in the ROS Core and subject to evaluation? It’s specifically vague to not box ourselves in.
- DT: Should past contributions be required versus an intent to make contributions?
- Feedback to applicants to encourage continuing engagement for future reevaluation.
- Ratified adding 2 new members: Acutronic Robotics, eProsima
- Feedback on Process
- (20 mins) [update & discussion] Debrief on Crystal release (Dirk)
- What got in (high level view)
- C++ client library
- Actions
- Python client library
- Parameters
- Clock, time, rate, timers
- Launch
- Life cycle nodes
- Nesting of launch files
- Passing parameters
- Rosbag
- Record and playback of binary messages
- Command line tool
- Feature packages
- Image transport
- Gazebo ROS packages
- Navigation2
- rqt
- C++ client library
- What slipped (high level view)
- Actions in Python (might be released in a patch release)
- IDL pipeline (-> Dashing)
- Launching components (-> Dashing)
- Rosbag playback of ROS 1 bag files
- Buildfarm improvements (almost complete, will be rolled out independently)
- Audit Memory Management (some parts have landed, but still ongoing)
- Logging improvements, e.g. log to /rosout topic (might be released in a patch release)
- Syncs / patch releases
- Syncs will happen roughly every two weeks (if there are new / updated packages), announced via Discourse (as for any ROS distro) Coordinated on Discourse
- Patch releases (meaning releases of core packages maintained by Open Robotics) happen on demand, will be available with the next sync
- Exact changes are tracked in a meta ticket, e.g. for the first patch release:
- Process changes that are already planned for future distributions
- Schedule high-impact and/or invasive changes early in the cycle
- Set freeze dates earlier in the cycle and being strict about them
- Allowing time for the community to support testing
- Plan resources for increased review needs before the freeze dates
- Shorter turnaround time on tickets in general
- Take feedback from the group on other changes
- What got in (high level view)
- (10 mins) [proposal] Dashing release plan (Dirk)
- Release date: Fri. May 31st 2019
- Dates prior to the release
- Mon. Apr 8th: First releases of core packages available (alpha)
- Testing can happen from now on (some features might not have landed yet)
- Thu. May 2nd: API freeze for core packages
- Mon. May 6th: Updated releases of core packages available (beta)
- Additional testing of the latest features
- Thu. May 16th: Code freeze
- Only bug fix releases should be made after this point
- New packages can be released independently
- Mon. May 20th: Updated releases of core packages available (release candidate)
- Wed. May 29th: Freeze rosdistro
- No PRs for Dashing on the
repo will be merged (reopens after the release announcement)
- No PRs for Dashing on the
- Mon. Apr 8th: First releases of core packages available (alpha)
- Support period and LTS status
- Dashing is the first ROS 2 LTS, with 2 years’ support (through May 2021)
- Tentative plan for future releases
- E-turtle release: Nov 22nd 2019
- Sandwiched between ROSCon (Oct 31-Nov 1) / IROS (Nov 3-8) and US Thanksgiving (Nov 28)
- Not an LTS, 1 year support
- F-turtle release (same time as ROS 1 Noetic): May 2020
- LTS, likely longer support period (e.g., 3+ years)
- The goal is to target Ubuntu 20.04
- E-turtle release: Nov 22nd 2019
- Supported platforms (update to REP 2000) proposal:
- Tier 1:
- Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic), amd64 and ARMv8
- Same as for Crystal
- macOS 10.14 (Mojave)
- Upgrade from 10.12 (Sierra)
- Windows 10
- Same as for Crystal
- Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic), amd64 and ARMv8
- Tier 2:
- Discontinue from-source support for Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)
- Tier 3:
- Debian 9 (Stretch)
- Same as for Crystal
- Option: if Debian 10 (Buster) is available in time, upgrade
- Debian 9 (Stretch)
- No change on RMW implementations
- Minimum dependency versions will increase with the removal of Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) (and eventually Debian 9 (Stretch))
- Request for information about Armhf vs arm64 vs amd64 usage:
- Best info in Metrics reports latest: 2018
- Tier 1:
- (15 mins) Roadmap for Dashing (Dirk)
- Open Robotics planned items (high level view):
- Launch
- Launching components, passing arguments to components, CMake API to create shared libraries of components
- Enable testing, replacing the legacy API
- XML(/YAML) front-end for launch
- IDL pipeline
- Efficient image pipeline, address shortcomings in intra-process comms
- Parameter
- Declaration of ranges, rqt-based UI
- Read-only parameters
- Improve memory management
- Improve performance and reliability
- Port to ROS 2
- rosbridge_suite
- Support migration of MoveIt
- CI for simulation-based testing of navigation
- Buildfarm infrastructure
- Roll out incremental CI jobs
- RPM packages
- Need to add:
- improved docs and testing (to support LTS label)
- Update navigation2 to use native ROS 2 components (actions, dynamic params)
- Launch
- Solicit additions from TSC members
- (Pyo) support cartographer_ros package. There’s been a lot of changes on v1.0.0, It does not work with the current ROS 2 Crystal version. so we are porting to ROS 2. We are preparing the real mobile robot to run actually SLAM and navigation in the ROS 2 Dashing version.
- (Dejan) next generation of integration test framework
- (Lou) Windows builds, CI, Simulation and Testing on Azure DevOps
- ROS 1 / ROS 2 coexistence, ros1_bridge
- (Karsten) considering diagnostics
- (Karsten) ros_control (pending MoveIt! port progress)
- (Doug) input to come via tickets
- (Dejan) funding eProsima on performance improvements in FastRTPS
- (Brian Shin) improving ROS 2 OpenEmbedded support, working with ROBOTIS for TB3
- Open Robotics planned items (high level view):
- Looking forward for next meeting. Opinions on timing past cycle has been 6 weeks?
- A little faster at 4 weeks would be good for keeping things going. +1 Lou, Doug, Dejan
- Gerkey will do that and schedule out through dashing release
- A little faster at 4 weeks would be good for keeping things going. +1 Lou, Doug, Dejan