ROS2 Alarms

Has anyone implemented an “alarm” system for their robot in ROS2?
I have done a search. but to no success.

There seems to be an existing ROS1 implementation by the University Of Florida Machine Intelligence Lab here
(which I myself have never used).

Alarms could be activated by all nodes and be similar to the logging (split into INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL), but can be cleared by an operator, or can cause downstream effects.

Potential Examples could include:

[INFO] Docking Station Identified
[WARNING] Robot has not moved in n seconds
[CRITICAL] Laser_scan topic has not published in n seconds

Are there any packages out there that can do the same thing? Is there merit and need for this idea, or is it very similar to logging already?

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You might want to have a look at ROS diagnostics, which is available for ROS 2, GitHub - ros/diagnostics at ros2-devel. It allows to monitor nodes and topics, publish and aggregate this info, introspect it with the robot monitor and do all sorts of other things with it.

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Thanks, I think this is similar to what I was thinking about. Glad to know it already exists, I think I was just searching by the wrong name :slight_smile:

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