Hi All,
We’re happy to announce the initial release of “ros2_intel_realsense”, a ROS2 package for Intel® RealSense™ D400 series RGB-D camera. Derived from its ROS nodelet “realsense_ros_camera (tag v2.0.1)”, the “realsense_ros2_camera” node publishes ROS2 topics for depth images, color images, infrared (left/right) images, and RGB-D PointCloud2 images. It provides below features, verified with ROS2 Ardent Apalone release, and messages visualizable via rviz and ros1_bridge:
- Publishing ROS2 messages on the topics of
- Sharing same topics name in both ROS2 and ROS
- Sharing same version of native driver, Intel® RealSense™ SDK 2.0 (tag v2.9.1), in both ROS2 and ROS
Even though ROS Image Pipeline still absence in ROS2, RGB-D point cloud is supported in this release, thanks to a built-in algorithm in the ROS/ROS2 Realsense node, with color image registered to depth camera.
Have a try and feel free to contribute in our github. Thanks!