Since a few days several ARM64 images are gone from the package index e.g. ros-iron-ros2-control. Running apt-cache search ros-iron-ros2-control
on an ARM machine yields no results. Does somebody know what happened there? The amd64 packages are still available though.
Thanks for the report.
Looking at the latest iron sync
It appears that the following packages were removed on arm64.
Removed Packages [105]:
(count includes dbgsym)
- ros-iron-ackermann-steering-controller
- ros-iron-admittance-controller
- ros-iron-bicycle-steering-controller
- ros-iron-controller-interface
- ros-iron-controller-manager
- ros-iron-diff-drive-controller
- ros-iron-effort-controllers
- ros-iron-force-torque-sensor-broadcaster
- ros-iron-forward-command-controller
- ros-iron-gripper-controllers
- ros-iron-gz-ros2-control
- ros-iron-gz-ros2-control-demos
- ros-iron-imu-sensor-broadcaster
- ros-iron-joint-state-broadcaster
- ros-iron-joint-trajectory-controller
- ros-iron-kinova-gen3-6dof-robotiq-2f-85-moveit-config
- ros-iron-kinova-gen3-7dof-robotiq-2f-85-moveit-config
- ros-iron-kortex-description
- ros-iron-moveit
- ros-iron-moveit-hybrid-planning
- ros-iron-moveit-planners
- ros-iron-moveit-plugins
- ros-iron-moveit-py
- ros-iron-moveit-ros
- ros-iron-moveit-ros-control-interface
- ros-iron-moveit-ros-planning-interface
- ros-iron-moveit-ros-visualization
- ros-iron-moveit-runtime
- ros-iron-moveit-servo
- ros-iron-moveit-setup-app-plugins
- ros-iron-moveit-setup-assistant
- ros-iron-moveit-setup-controllers
- ros-iron-moveit-setup-core-plugins
- ros-iron-moveit-setup-framework
- ros-iron-moveit-setup-srdf-plugins
- ros-iron-moveit-simple-controller-manager
- ros-iron-mrpt-sensor-gnns-nmea
- ros-iron-picknik-reset-fault-controller
- ros-iron-picknik-twist-controller
- ros-iron-pilz-industrial-motion-planner
- ros-iron-position-controllers
- ros-iron-range-sensor-broadcaster
- ros-iron-robotiq-controllers
- ros-iron-ros2-control
- ros-iron-ros2-controllers
- ros-iron-ros2controlcli
- ros-iron-rqt-controller-manager
- ros-iron-steering-controllers-library
- ros-iron-tricycle-controller
- ros-iron-tricycle-steering-controller
- ros-iron-ur
- ros-iron-ur-calibration
- ros-iron-ur-controllers
- ros-iron-ur-moveit-config
- ros-iron-ur-robot-driver
- ros-iron-velocity-controllers
- ros-iron-webots-ros2
- ros-iron-webots-ros2-control
- ros-iron-webots-ros2-epuck
- ros-iron-webots-ros2-tiago
- ros-iron-webots-ros2-turtlebot
- ros-iron-webots-ros2-universal-robot
I checked first for infrastructure issues during the sync but both the sync to main and the syncs from building to testing that preceded it appear normal.
It seems like at least one of the regressed chains of packages likely started with this build failure.
@Yadunund it seems like there were arm64 regressions in Patch Release 6 and New Packages for Iron Irwini 2024-07-12
Same result here on ARM64 platform, even sick-scan-xd is affected apart from ros2-control and controllers.
Thanks for the heads up. I’ll proceed with a sync asap to restore those packages.
@wittenator thanks again for flagging the problem. I ran another sync and I believe the packages should be restored. Please try again and sorry for any inconveniences caused. See sync post for more details.