ROS2 Tooling Working Group Meeting 2019-12-06

The fourth meeting of the ROS Tooling Working Group will be at the end of this week. This week, Benjamin Goldschmidt from Silexica will be showing the group their ROS2 performance profiling tooling.

The time for this meeting will be 9AM PST

Location : The link for the meeting is in the Google Groups invite - you can join that here!forum/ros2-working-groups-calendar-invites

Time : 2019-12-06T17:00:00Z2019-12-06T18:00:00Z

High Level Agenda :

  • Benjamin@Silexica ROS2 performance tooling presentation
  • Project status updates (rosbag2, cross compile, system metrics, github actions)
  • Project board review
  • WG Housekeeping (new repos/subprojects, governance model discussion, membership)

If you have anything you’d like to add to this or a future meeting’s agenda, please feel free to reach out.

More Information :

Context :
The objective of this working group will be to develop and maintain select ROS 2 tools. We define a tool to be: software supporting developer productivity or robot operation, outside of the middleware communications functionality. This definition remains intentionally broad until it needs to be narrowed.

The Tooling WG will focus on the roadmap, contribution, maintenance, and ownership of adopted subprojects. WG-owned GitHub repositories for subprojects will primarily live in the working group GitHub organization: ros-tooling .

Is the meeting still happening? The Chime meeting seems to be empty.

@christophebedard are you using

@kyrofa thanks, I wasn’t.

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