I am unable to contact the maintainer of the rosauth package. Maintainer not responding to pull requests since a couple months:
How to continue up on this. Can we just fork the repo and release?
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I am unable to contact the maintainer of the rosauth package. Maintainer not responding to pull requests since a couple months:
How to continue up on this. Can we just fork the repo and release?
@rtoris Do you know who might be the best person to contact about this?
I just received a whatsapp asking me to ping @rtoris
RAIL will have a remote session for the FetchIt! Challenge in 5 minutes, I’ll ask them.
If this package is in fact orphaned it would fit the scope of the robot web tools org as it requires matching support in roslibjs -> https://github.com/robotwebtools
Any updates from the maintainers?
@rtoris would be the best person to contact. I don’t have any authority of the package.
This should probably be taken over by someone currently in the Georgia Tech RAIL lab as @rtoris does technically still have some access to the repository he’s not actively maintaining any of the RAIL code and it is in their GitHub organization.
Hi all, this package has fallen out of the scope of any of RAIL’s projects, and so we don’t have anyone with the bandwidth to maintain it at the moment. If anyone who’s either familiar with the package or actively using it would like to take over as a maintainer (@reinzor?), send me your github username and I can add you to the repo.
Thanks for your replies; I can take over the maintenance. Github: reinzor