ROSCon 2018 Informal Meetings of Special Interest Groups

Reproducibility in robotics by using ROS

What: How can we reproduce robotics results?

When: On Sunday, 18:30 after the always funny closing remarks by @rgariepy

Where: At The Construct booth #17

How to find us: just go to the booth n.17

Agenda: we are going to discuss about how can we have an environment for reproducing robotics results and benchmark them. Questions to answer:

  1. Is ROS a good framework for reproducibility of robotics results?
  2. Should reproducibility be based on bags, simulations or real robots?
  3. Should we concentrate on reproducibility for a very specific robotics problem first, and then attack all other problems, or should we generate a common framework for any type of robotics problems?
  4. How can we learn about reproducibility in other domains of science?

Atention we will record the whole audio discussion and publish it on the ROS Developers Podcast. I will act as moderator to ensure that we deal with all the points.