ROSCon 2023 Maritime Birds of a Feather meetup

The ROS Maritime Working Group is excited to host the 3rd Maritime Birds of a Feather (BoF) meetup in-person at ROSCon 2023 in New Orleans! This is an in-person-only event.

What: Chat with fellow marine robotics enthusiasts and professionals.
When: Thursday, Oct 19, 2023, 12:40 pm (in the middle of lunch break. Lunch full duration is 12:10-13:40)
Where: ROSCon conference space, Floor 4, Imperial 2 (It is 1 floor upstairs from lunch space. Near the day 0 workshops.)
Maps and list of BoFs on ROSCon website

We’ll keep it simple this year. No agenda. Open floor.
Icebreakers if you struggle to find things to talk about.
(If you have a specific topic in mind, please reply in this thread.)

For reference, last year’s Maritime BoF and resulting community notes: ROSCon 2022 Maritime Birds of a Feather meetup

Traditionally, ROSCon BoF meetups are informal hallway chats where attendees pick a topic of discussion, i.e. a formal-sounding excuse, to gather during coffee breaks.

The Maritime BoF provides an opportunity for the marine robotics community using ROS (2) and/or Gazebo to informally discuss their work, to be aware of what the community is up to, to make connections, and for developers to hear feedback on software and tools.

Outside ROSCon, if you’re interested in maintaining regular contact with the ROS Maritime community, the Working Group meets once a month virtually. Announcements are posted on ROS Discourse Maritime category. Notes since Sep 2023 are in the Agenda.

We hope to see you there.

Mabel Zhang, Open Robotics team at Intrinsic
Arjo Chakravarty, Open Robotics team at Intrinsic