Safety Working Group: June presentation: Writing safer code

After the success of the last presentation, the Safety Working Group is continuing its monthly presentation series. The next presentation will take place on Wednesday, June 2, 2021 at 2:00 PM, and will be given by Simon Hoinkis of Apex.AI.

Writing safer code
A certification example from Apex.OS

This talk will give an overview about automotive software development and present the workflow and tools used at Apex.AI. Furthermore, a certification code example from Apex.OS will be discussed. The talk will conclude with the presentation of our efforts to open-source the apex::threading library.

If you are interested, please join the meeting. You can find the meeting information in the ROS events calendar. To receive automatic meeting invitations to all Safety WG events, join the invite group.


@gbiggs Is it possible to record the presentation? I think the talk would be interesting for the RTWG so I would like to share there too.

cc @razr


I’ll have a look at recording options, but I can’t promise anything as Google Meet itself won’t let us record.

Unfortunately I was not able to get recording sorted out in time.

However the presenter has kindly shared their slides.

20210602_Writing_Safer_Code_ROS_Safety_WG.pdf (1.5 MB)