Save the Date: ROSCon 2020 will be in New Orleans on Nov 14th - 16th

Save the date: ROSCon 2020 will be held November 14 - November 16, 2020 at the Hyatt Regency in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Stay tuned for more about ROSCon 2020, including sponsorship opportunities and information on collocated events.

If you have questions about participating in or sponsoring ROSCon 2020, please contact the executive committee:


Out of curiosity:
If I’m not mistaken, the previous ROSCon’s have been directly before (or at least very close to, i.e. within a weekend) of the IROS (this year from 2020-10-25T00:00:00Z → 2020-10-29T00:00:00Z) at the same location/city.

Has this been considered for this year as well? What has been the reason to “break” with this “tradition”? (I’m not sure how much this has been a tradition or best practice, this is why I put the " " there… Also, not criticizing, just interested in hearing a rationale)

Especially with travelling to another continent, the former setup really helped to convince the higher ups of visiting both events, not just one. At least for me this will probably be a dealbreaker and I’ll have to choose one over the other… (and sadly, due to another event close to IROS, I guess I cannot attend ROSCON… :cry:)

The week after IROS are US elections (Nov 3) - you don’t wanna interfer with those dates …


I see :slight_smile: But so far ROSCON has been before, not after IROS. But probably there is a similar reasoning there…

I am not involved in organising ROSCon in any way, but I think what was probably considered includes:

  • ROSCon is now bigger than IROS was many years ago and IROS didn’t have much trouble standing on its own, nor did now-massive developer conferences like PyCon. The community is strong enough to stand on its own two feet now.
  • There is less and less cross-over between ROSCon attendees and IROS attendees every year, and it’s probably now at the point where a significant majority are going to just ROSCon.
  • Always following IROS prevents ROSCon from occurring in locations that might benefit ROSCon, or that might be more appealing to attendees (still hoping for Hawaii, or the Swiss Alps!).
  • Trying to align with IROS can also be annoying from an organisational point of view.
  • IROS this year in in Las Vegas, so holding ROSCon there would mean being in effectively the same place two years in a row because Macau is basically a copy of Las Vegas. :wink:

@gbiggs thanks. You make some valid points that I didn’t consider.

Especially your second one is very good, with more and more companies adopting ROS and not only attending but actually presenting at ROSCon. Transitioning from a more acedamia-biased to a more developer- and “product”-biased one allows for another audience and other focus.

I have enough leads/hints answering my original question. So thanks for the input.

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Or the Netherlands!

Remember: second greatest country in the world.


That was deeply unexpected. +1 ROSCon 2021 on a cruiseship on the Netherlands’ man-made ocean.


Only if the Netherlands haven’t drained the ocean by then. They’ve already begun thinking about it:

If the Dutch set their minds on some gigantic waterworks, there’s nothing that can stop them. I believe they are distant relatives of beavers actually. :wink:


I never knew the struggles our Dutch colleagues had to endure for thousands of years. They will rule the new world with kindness and save us with bicycles.

Anyhow… back on topic… mhm… swiss alps… that wasn’t it… US elections… god I hope not… ah that’s right!

ROSConing in NOLA :star_struck:

(I’ll make this a verb if it kills me)

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Macau is much nicer than the original
+1 for NOLA

Nice! Going home! My family has been in New Orleans since the Louisiana Purchase. My great grandfather was Tulane Dean of Engineering and helped design the levee pump system which was good until the US Army Corp of Engineers straightened the delta🙄

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