I am attempting to put kinetic on a Pine64 running debian Jesse ARM64 and have run in to an SBCL dependance problem.
Has anyone else seen this and fixed the issue? Seems to me that we should have the option of not requiring roslisp to be installed on our embedded systems, given that debian ARM does not have an SBCL package.
Linaro has packaged sbcl: http://repo.linaro.org/ubuntu/linaro-overlay/ for my testing on the DragonBoard 410c those repos are installed by default which I guess is why I haven’t seen an issue.
Can you try testing with those? Since that’s actually an implicit dependency we probably should import those packages.
If you can verify the package works we can import it into the ROS repository by adding it here
$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/linaro-overlay-repo.list
deb http://repo.linaro.org/ubuntu/linaro-overlay jessie main
deb-src http://repo.linaro.org/ubuntu/linaro-overlay jessie main
Yes, SBLC was my only concern when installing ROS on an ARM32 (Raspberry Pi platform with Archlinux platform). Now they have released some binary packages form ARM platform so it should be OK. Even for ARN64. So let us know if you managed to do it.