Has anyone used lately the slam_karto package?
What is the current state? How is it compared to gmapping?
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Has anyone used lately the slam_karto package?
What is the current state? How is it compared to gmapping?
You could find several similar questions at answers.ros.org[1][2], and also there is a paper on this topic [3], sample programs [4] and movies [5]
[1] https://answers.ros.org/question/54358/differences-and-benefits-on-using-karto-or-gmapping-slam/,
[2] https://answers.ros.org/question/141616/alternative-approach-to-gmapping-and-hector-mapping/
[3] http://home.isr.uc.pt/~davidbsp/publications/SPR_SSRR2013_SLAM.pdf
[4] https://github.com/ros-planning/navigation_tutorials/pull/15)[5] http://opensource-robotics.tokyo.jp/?p=2660&lang=en
Note that at this moment, you could apt install
both packages[6][7] and Non-GNU licenses [8].
[6] http://repositories.ros.org/status_page/ros_kinetic_default.html?q=gmapping
[7] http://repositories.ros.org/status_page/ros_kinetic_default.html?q=slam_karto
[8] https://github.com/ros-perception/openslam_gmapping/pull/20
Thanks. very useful!
FYI, there’s a fair bit of momentum these days behind Cartographer. Definitely have a look at that one, too.