Dear ROS community,
Some members of the ROS community are publishing a special issue of the International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems (IJARS, IF: 0.952) entitled “Open Source Robotics”. I hope this is of special interest to many people of our community.
Special Collection on Open Source Robotics
Currently we are living a revolution in Robotics that is closely related to the use of Open Source Software and Hardware. The creation of communities around areas of interest in Robotics provides a development model that promotes the diffusion and standardization of technologies. The establishment of such standards provides an effective and convenient method to disseminate implementations of algorithms and models, which otherwise could not be carried out, which allow the reproduction and comparison of results, advancing technology and science in Robotics. This philosophy of free knowledge is emerging from academic environments to be adopted by the industry, as a way to optimize their development and business models. The emergence of community makers, 3D printing, the emergence of Open Source standards such as ROS or YARP, or initiatives such as ROS Industrial are a revolution in the way we approach the development of robotic technology.
Novel theoretical approaches or practical applications of all aspects involving open source robotics are welcomed. Contributions shall contribute to the understanding of the value of an open source approach.
- Open Source middleware and frameworks for Robotics
- Open Source in education
- Open Source projects
- Open Standards for Robotics
- Description of Open Source Industrial approaches
- Open Hardware
- Development models based on Open Source
Guest editors:
- Dr. Francisco Martín Rico - Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain (
- Dr. Carlos Hernandez Corbato - TU Delft Robotics Institute, Netherlands (
- MSc. Gijs van der Hoorn - TU Delft Robotics Institute, Netherlands (
- MSc. Ir. Sam Pfeiffer - University of Technology, Sydney, Australia (
- Dr. Juan González Gómez - Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain (
Submission deadline: February 28, 2019
- Special issue:
- Journal:
- Submission: