7th International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering

Hey, folks,

We are excited to organize the 7th Edition of the International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering, co-located at the International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE '25) in Ottawa, Canada next year (April 27th to May 3rd, 2025).

We would love to see more members of the ROS community get involved, whether that be through submitting a paper on your research, tools, or a case study about software engineering practice, or by participating in the workshop and contributing to the discussion.

If that sounds interesting to you, check out the Call for Papers on the workshop website (RoSE 2025), or feel free to send me a DM or email with any questions! :slight_smile: (e.g., ā€œcould I submit a paper on X?ā€)

Submissions are due on November 11th, 2024. We are interested in contributions addressing, but not limited to, the following topics related to robotics software engineering:

  • Analysis of challenges in robotic software engineering
  • Best practices in engineering robotic software
  • Continuous integration and deployment in robotics
  • Domain-specific languages and tools for the development of robotic software
  • Empirical studies of robotics software and software tools, including its usability
  • Engineering (heterogeneous) multi-robot systems.
  • Identification and analysis of design principles promoting quality of service (e.g., performance, energy efficiency)
  • Lessons learned in the engineering and deployment of large-scale, real-world integrated robot software
  • Machine learning applied to robotic software
  • Metrics measuring non-functional properties (e.g., robustness, availability, etc.) and their application to robotic software
  • Mining software repositories of robotic systems
  • Model-Driven Engineering methods and techniques applied to robotic software
  • Processes and tools supporting the engineering and development of robotic systems
  • Software architecture of robotic systems
  • State-of-the-art research projects, innovative ideas, and field-based studies in robotic software engineering
  • Static and dynamic analysis of robotic software
  • Usability studies of robotics software and tools
  • Variability, modularity, and reusability in robotic software
  • Validation and verification of robotic software

Thank you on behalf of the RoSE '25 organizers!



I just want say that @ChrisTimperley is a fantastic asset for the ROS community and we really appreciate his efforts to improve the ROS software engineering ecosystem. As the ROS community grows it becomes increasingly important that we have multiple venues for people to present their academic work to their peers. I would encourage the entire ROS community to consider submitting a talk if attending the workshop is feasible for you.

@DLu @rgariepy about that ROS Ontario thing ā€¦ might be worth giving the attendees a heads up. Ottawa and Waterloo are at least within driving distance of each other.


Not to derail from Chrisā€™s exciting workshop, but I failed to understand Canadian geography before moving here. The five hour drive from Waterloo to Ottawa is comparable to San Jose to Santa Clarita, to put it in left coast terms.


It is only a five hour drive. Thatā€™s roughly my commute from San Francisco to Mountain View. :sob:.

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In other words, ā€˜driving distanceā€™ :wink:

To be fair, Ontario is very wide. Hard to believe that Thunder Bay, ON is 16 hours of drive from Ottawa, while Halifax, NS is only 14 hours.

Time to invite everyone from Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia too :wink:

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Dr. @ChrisTimperley looking forward to attending this workshop. I was wondering would a short-research focused on testing integration, ease-of-use and performance comparison (qualitative and quantitative) between two open-source MPPI controllers for multiple simulated robots in Gazebo be an acceptable topic for submitting into RoSE 25?

Maybe we need a 2025 Canadian ROS road / train trip? :bullettrain_side: :canada:

Iā€™ve done the drive from Sault Ste. Marie to Thunder Bay as part of a Lake Superior circumnavigation tour. Approximately 700km of road with more moose and deer than people. We even had a pack of wolves run through our campsite at night. Absolutely amazing place.

To bring this back on topic, Ontario is amazing and worth a visit. Replying with Canadian geography trivia also keeps the thread awake and increases visibility. :wink:


Hey, folks. Just a heads up that we have extended the submission date to November 18th.


Chris! Just stumbled on this, and would think Iā€™m part of the ā€œtarget marketā€ for the CFP but hadnā€™t caught wind of it! Have you posted to robotics-worldwide mailing list? thatā€™d be where Iā€™d see it :star:

(yes, I know that by being here I have obviously seen it anyway :joy: but not with much notice :heart:) Hth