Technical Steering Committee (TSC) Meeting #28 (2021/03/17) Minutes

2021/03/17 22:00 UTC


  • Ryohsuke Mitsudome (TSC Chair)
  • Shinpei Kato (AWF)
  • Yang Zhang (AWF)
  • Bobby Hambrick (AWF)
  • Jim Liu (AWF)
  • Girish Shirasat (AWF)
  • Daisuke Tanaka (AWF)
  • Josh Whitly (AWF)
  • Hiroshi Igata (ODD WG)
  • Keren Par (Adastec)
  • Joe Speed (ADLINK)
  • Filipe Rinaldi (Arm)
  • David Van Guyen (AutonomouStuff)
  • Jilada Eccleston (Tier IV)
  • Stefano Longo (Embotech)
  • Jaime Martin Losa (eProsima)
  • Akihiko Tsukuda (eSOL)
  • Rahul Mangharam (F1 Tenth Foundation)
  • Seonman Kim (LGE)
  • Tsutomu Otake (Macnica)
  • Adam Dabrowski (
  • Yao Zhai (Ziiko)


Action items

Opening remarks and new member introductions (Board)

  • IV2021 Update: Scheduled for July 11-15 in Nagoya Japan with an Autoware Workshop
  • New members:
    • Thundersoft (Industry & Government Member)
    • dSpace (Industry & Government Member)
    • CivilMaps ((Industry & Government Member)
    • Beihang University in China (Academy & Non-profit Member)

Confirmation of previous minutes

Minutes approved.

Working group report: Autonomy Software

Development on the Cargo Delivery ODD is going well. There are a lot of improvements and much refactoring being done. We will have a meeting Thursday night/Friday morning to finalize some messages for the new APIs. There is plenty of development work available for additional developers, especially those that have FTE requirements, so make sure to take a look at the issues list, join an ASWG call, or message the #committers-autoware-auto channel and we will assign you something. NewEagle has a vehicle interface which will be merged this week.

Working group report: Operational Design Domain

Most of the planned machine readable scenarios have been uploaded to Gitlab. As for the residual 10 scenarios, it’s been reported that they are under review with the latest test runner and will be officially uploaded any time soon. Tier IV is continuing its effort to make the scenario runner and the planning simulator open source and the GUI scenario editor freely available to the AWF community.

Preliminary discussions have been conducted about racing ODD, sharing information from the associated meetings including “Autoware on F1TENTH”.

Intel approached Josh to propose RSS (Intel’s safety framework) to be used with Autoware. CJ is also talking with them for a few months and planning to share information via SPC.


  • (Shinpei) We should sync with SPC/TSC and Intel about this topic.
  • (RYohsuke) What is the plan for defining racing ODD → Josh could invite members from IAC and universities working on racing projects to help coming up with use cases.

HW WG Report:

FTE activity reports review

Shinpei: we should do DDS comparison using Autoware.Auto within Software WG.

[Voting] Joint marketing opportunity with Zing Robotics and United Airlines

ADLINK moved to work with Ziiko on a joint marketing and demonstration opportunity in the previous WG. This was accepted with more than half of the TSC members supporting the proposal.

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