The NASA Curiosity Rover ROSject is now open source

Dear ROS developers, the NASA Curiosity Rover ROSject ( is now open source for everyone. Ready-to-go project including:

  • ROS code
  • Gazebo simulation
  • Mars environment
  • Rviz config files
  • Jupyter notebook with instructions

This is a port to Gazebo-ROS of the Curiosity Mars Rover, including velocity control, mast control, odometry, camera and mars terrains.

It is based on the official 3D models issued published by the NASAJPL itself, including the Mars terrain map, which is based in real martial holography.

This ROSject is a first basic version of the Curiosity rover that went to Mars, check out all the footage and images generated by the real robot:

This ROSject serves as the foundation to further upgrades to make it as close as the real robot as possible. Its open for the community to make its own upgrades and contributions through ROSjects or the Git:

This first version has totally functional 6 wheel drive and suspension, arm control and mast movement. It also has installed a Camera on the mas to start creating Vido Based navigation around Mars.


I see there was some discussion over on a JPL related form about adding to this package:

Was there any progress in updating the 3D model/mass to use a more official metrics of the rover?

Hi Rufus,
sorry we did not have any update yet. Just the code that we already posted at that time.

Let me know if somebody wants to help in improving the model. We created everything from scratch and published as open-source.


I’m not sure if I’m missing anything, but I’ve just gave that a try and I can’t find the rover simulation. All of the sims available are of hector quadroters:

Am I missing something?

I tried to run the project and it still links to a Quad-copter and not the listed MARS Rover.
Is anything new comming?

Is it possible to run on ros2?