Embedding interpreters is not that bad, comparable to adding a parser for XML, depending on the interpreter. I spent a little while above convincing myself above that declarative text is better but when I look at the total ecosystem, the total workflow, I’m not sure. Meanwhile many would never have to embed; as they are just writing descriptions and letting robot_state_publisher and friends do the work.
The security aspect is very interesting. Probably especially important as something like ROS Industrial gains traction. Depending on context, sandboxing the interpreter would make sense. Same as with xacro. Signed config files (regardless of format) will become more common I would expect.
Yes, it would force a language, just like XML, and to be honest, I don’t really love any of the candidates. But python is the scripting language of choice for ROS, and very lightweight python engines exist, so that would be a strong contender.
I was observing that since the complexity of a URDF is often enough that people will use a language (xacro is the common one now I guess) or an GUI editor, maybe there is no real benefit to the text file. No text file might simplify all the readers. Just thinking outside the box here. (ELF is not an idea that will survive, but it does intrigue me.)
The ultimate goal is to have a definition that everyone knows how to read and agrees what the meaning of the sub-bits is. That’s what the URDF is. So when trying to design a format, we take a step back and look at all the producers and all the consumers and try to see where the overlap is the densest. Maybe it’s a text file, maybe it’s a text program, maybe it’s a binary file, maybe it’s a memory image.
Almost everyone consuming the description will parse it and map it into a data structure. For many of the consumers, the same data structure will work fine. A GUI editor would probably work directly with that same data structure. A very simple console editor could work with that same structure. And anyone wanting to create the structure without the GUI editor could certainly throw together a shell script using the console editor.
There are pros and cons. Equivalents in common use are the windows registry, gnome configuration, and there are certainly frustrations when one can’t just use a text editor.
Yes, I hope the other thread picks that up.