Have you ever simulated a robot or worked with URDF files and would like to help us improve the knowledge and tools in this area?
I am a PhD student from Aarhus University at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and I am conducting a survey on the usage of URDF files in robot simulation, together with Peter Corke from Queensland University of Technology.
Most roboticists these days simulate their robots before deploying the software onto the physical system. One of the popular methods for describing robots is the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF). Although, it is already commonly used in simulation, many issues with this standard still exist and need to be addressed. To identify these challenges, we have created a 10-minute questionnaire to gain insight in the knowledge and experience of roboticists all over the world.
We hope the results can be used to provide guidance to robotics developers and researchers to determine where improvements can be made. The results of the questionnaire will be made publicly available. The questionnaire is anonymous and for academic use.
If you would like to help us and the robotics community, then now is your chance to help by participating in the 10-minute survey through the link or QR code.