[URDF-NG] ROS2 URDF2 discussion

How does the computation for breaking the loops in the graph interact with TF and change TF’s performance?

What naive algorithms for breaking a graph into a spanning tree are not deterministic and not constant in time? Can you come up with some code that gives non-deterministic results when applied successively to the same graph or any expected evolution of that graph? Is this just a theoretical problem? (I understand a tree topology change causes a real problem).

How much error are you really going to accumulate (or save) on any robots in current (or in URDF2’s future) use with TF, with a non-optimum spanning tree?

I think that the rigid body assumption (or the mathematical nature of a frame) means that there is no spanning tree that is better than any other from a topological view.

From a problem solving view there is a benefit if I can get the upstream tools to use the same spanning tree as my tools (maybe this is what you meant about matching topology to physical linkages?) and we have a solution for that in annotated graphs. I didn’t see any proposals, but I would expect that a ‘loop’ element, or something similar would close the loop and all tools reading ‘joint’ elements would just naturally see the spanning tree that is the ‘best’ from the users view.