Webots-ROS2 YouTube Tutorials Series

Webots ROS2 youtube series

Here is a great series to help you get started with ROS2 and set your foot into the integration of ROS2 and a very user-friendly simulator called Webots. In this tutorial series, you will learn everything from installations to final full-fledged projects.

The series will contain the following videos:

  1. ROS 2, Webots installation and Setup of a workspace in VS Code

  2. Different examples in Webots with ROS2

  3. Use ROS2 services to interact with robots in Webots

  4. Control a robot with ROS2 Publisher

  5. Get feedback from different sensors of Robot with ROS2 Subscriber

  6. Implement Master and Slave robots project with ROS2

  7. Setup Rviz (Showing different sensor output )

  8. Ways to debug projects with Rostopic echo, Rostopic info, RQT_graph

  9. Use advance debugging tools like Rqt console, Rqt GUI

10 & 11. Implementation of SLAM toolbox or LaMa library for the unknown environments.

  1. & 13. Implementation of AR-tag detection and getting the exact pose from the camera.

Note: Following are the system specifications that will be used in the tutorial series. Ubuntu 20.04, ROS 2 Foxy, Webots R2020b-rev1

It is a great way to learn ROS2 along with a great physics simulator. You can use this knowledge to make your own projects. Those who know ROS but new to ROS2 will find a lot easier to grasp and understand several topics and concepts referred to in the video; such as topics, services, publishers, subscribers etc, and several debugging techniques such as rqt_graph, rqt_console, etc. Those who are new to the ROS/ROS2 world might find it a little difficult, but don’t worry; Soft Illusion is here to help you. So have fun and good luck.