Here is a great series to help you get started with ROS2 and set your foot into the integration of ROS2 and a very user-friendly simulator called Webots. In this tutorial series, you will learn everything from installations to final full-fledged projects.
The series will contain the following videos:
ROS 2, Webots installation and Setup of a workspace in VS Code
Different examples in Webots with ROS2
Use ROS2 services to interact with robots in Webots
Control a robot with ROS2 Publisher
Get feedback from different sensors of Robot with ROS2 Subscriber
Implement Master and Slave robots project with ROS2
Setup Rviz (Showing different sensor output )
Ways to debug projects with Rostopic echo, Rostopic info, RQT_graph
Use advance debugging tools like Rqt console, Rqt GUI
10 & 11. Implementation of SLAM toolbox or LaMa library for the unknown environments.
- & 13. Implementation of AR-tag detection and getting the exact pose from the camera.
Note: Following are the system specifications that will be used in the tutorial series. Ubuntu 20.04, ROS 2 Foxy, Webots R2020b-rev1
It is a great way to learn ROS2 along with a great physics simulator. You can use this knowledge to make your own projects. Those who know ROS but new to ROS2 will find a lot easier to grasp and understand several topics and concepts referred to in the video; such as topics, services, publishers, subscribers etc, and several debugging techniques such as rqt_graph, rqt_console, etc. Those who are new to the ROS/ROS2 world might find it a little difficult, but don’t worry; Soft Illusion is here to help you. So have fun and good luck.