Hello, I was able to add this Velodyne Simulator package:
To the Turtlebot3 burger, waffle and waffle_pi models. I forked the Turtlebot3 GitHub repository and edited the urdf and sdf files on the humble-devel branch. As long as you install the velodyne_simulator with:
sudo apt install ros-humble-velodyne-simulator
In your ROS2 /opt/ros/humble/share directory, it should work correctly. Currently, there is no mesh that is available to be displayed in Gazebo, but the PointCloud2 points are still collected and are published to the topic:
Here is the repository, let me know if you have any questions:
Thanks for including the velodyne simulator with ROS2 Humble. I am able to run the launch file and see the physical Velodyne model on the robot with the laser scan but i can’t see /velodyne points or the Point Cloud 2 Points. May i ask if i can ask you some questions?
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Hello, sorry I am seeing this so late. If you still have some questions I can try to help you, try to private DM me or reach out to me at this email address, shawnsinanan21@gmail.com.