All-New ROS2 Navigation Logo!

Hi all, friendly neighborhood navigator here.

I wanted to tell you about some hot news! The Nav2 system has an all-new logo and branding (referred to as “Nav2” no longer “Navigation2”) that we’ll be expanding in the coming days and weeks. For a quick first look timed to be released with ROS World 2020, here’s the new Nav2 logo and wireframe:


It’s also now reflected on our README and documentation!

This was all made possible by the awesome people that purchased the ROS Jackets earlier in the year. The proceeds of that were used to work with a designer to create these awesome graphics. I couldn’t be more happy with how it turned out and by user surveys, most of you agree! I know, I know, Nav2 doesn’t work with hot air balloons (yet :slight_smile: ), but its a really aspirational goal and I think a logo like this is both literally and symbolically uplifting. I hope that it can help bring our community to new heights and give a bit of professional polish. Before I descend into even worse puns, I bet you have a question you’re flying at your keyboard to ask:

What’s next? Oh boy, thanks for asking

  • Tee Shirts!
  • Socks!
  • Enamel Pins!
  • Collectable Commemorative Plates!
  • Permanent Face Tattoos!

Well, perhaps one or two of those are hyperbolic, but I will be excited to make some stickers and pins :slight_smile: If people in the community would like other Nav2 swag, I’m sure I can make it happen. I’m starting to have my gears turn a little bit for ROSCon 2021 if we can arrange some hot air balloon rides…

Happy Ballooning,



Maybe it is a better idea to start with temporary face tattoo stickers first…


Go big or go home; we like to take big swings here in the Nav2 community :wink:

Love the logo! Definitely the best new logo I’ve seen in the past few weeks :smiley:
This would look great on swag. This might even be enough motivation for me to finally start attending the working group meetings to feel justified in owning the swag :stuck_out_tongue:

The swag has started… If you’re in the SF Bay Area and you want a Nav2 sticker, let me know!

(I don’t think I’ll fill out international shipping forms for stickers)


Hi @smac

I am not in the bay area… but here in Europe, we want also some Nav2 stickers for our laptops :wink:

Send me the design and I could print some…

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@smac it is so cool, if you can publish the design we can also use :slight_smile: