Are there any out standing issues that need to be addressed in Software Quality of the ROS?

Sorry for the late reply I had some personal thing to take for in last few day so I didn’t reply. Thanks @rgov @vmayoral @clalancette @gavanderhoorn for initiating the discussion this thread.

Also @afsantos thanks for sharing the details on the HAROS tool and the improvement that can be done in it.

Currently I am looking into the issues in ROS related Github repos to find some patterns on the code fixes and to write these patterns as part of the static code analysis tool. I was intrigued by the point of nonsense code patterns in the code as this can also be considered while writing the rules for the static analysis tool. It would be interesting if @afsantos could share these patterns. Currently I was only looking for the patterns in related to issues that are already fixed but it would be good to explore the redundant code patterns in the ROS repos.

Also I am very much interested in the other ideas too that are shared but I am currently am new to ROS and trying to grasp as much as I can on it. So I want to start focusing on something that I can achieve.

Thanks for sharing the all the research related documents.