Autoware[1.11.0] Quick start Demo failed to load the map

  • Host system: Ubuntu 18.04
  • Docker: docker-ce + nividia-docker2
  • Followed the official installation guide (use case 1)
  • The latest master-branch

I was following the Demo, and did every step exactly as told.

When I try to load the map from /home/autoware/Autoware/docs/quickstart/my_map.launch it did not load the map, although there was no error message in the terminal. but in rviz , under the Points Raw->Transform , the error reads: “[sender=unknown_publisher] For frame [velodyne]: Frame [velodyne] does not exitst”.

------- Further Test ----------
Trying to load other .launch files gives me error about missing files:


[‘roslaunch’, ‘/home/autoware/Autoware/docs/quick_start/my_sensing.launch’]
sched policy=OTHER prio=0
while processing /opt/ros/kinetic/share/velodyne_pointcloud/launch/velodyne_hdl32e.launch:
Invalid roslaunch XML syntax: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u’/opt/ros/kinetic/share/velodyne_pointcloud/launch/velodyne_hdl32e.launch’
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file


while processing /home/autoware/Autoware/ros/install/runtime_manager/share/runtime_manager/scripts/setup_tf.launch:
Invalid roslaunch XML syntax: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u’/home/autoware/Autoware/ros/install/runtime_manager/share/runtime_manager/scripts/setup_tf.launch’
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file


while processing /home/autoware/Autoware/ros/install/runtime_manager/share/runtime_manager/scripts/calibration_publisher.launch:
Invalid roslaunch XML syntax: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u’/home/autoware/Autoware/ros/install/runtime_manager/share/runtime_manager/scripts/calibration_publisher.launch’
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file


[config_waypoint_loader_rostopic-4] process has died [pid 4780, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/rostopic/rostopic pub -l /config/waypoint_loader autoware_msgs/ConfigWaypointLoader {multi_lane_csv: /home/autoware/.autoware/data/path/moriyama_path.txt, replanning_mode: false, velocity_max: 20.0, velocity_min: 4.0, accel_limit: 0.98, decel_limit: 0.98, radius_thresh: 20.0, radius_min: 6.0, resample_mode: true, resample_interval: 1.0, velocity_offset: 4, end_point_offset: 5} __name:=config_waypoint_loader_rostopic __log:=/home/autoware/.ros/log/d6bc713a-69cb-11e9-af6a-000ec6d9e5c8/config_waypoint_loader_rostopic-4.log].
log file: /home/autoware/.ros/log/d6bc713a-69cb-11e9-af6a-000ec6d9e5c8/config_waypoint_loader_rostopic-4*.log


while processing /home/autoware/Autoware/ros/install/runtime_manager/share/runtime_manager/scripts/vehicle_socket.launch:
Invalid roslaunch XML syntax: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u’/home/autoware/Autoware/ros/install/runtime_manager/share/runtime_manager/scripts/vehicle_socket.launch

So after some trying I was able to get the map and some of the launch files running:

For my_localization.launch, my_detection.launch and my_motion_planning.launch, I need to change the path to /home/autoware/Autoware/ros/install/runtime_manager/share/runtime_manager/launch_files/xxx.launch

Basically when I source build the Autoware from master-branch, the launch files are in the correct path (namely …/runtime_manager/script/xxx.launch), but in the docker environment, they are actually under …/runtime_manager/launch_files/xxx.launch

So after fixing the path of those 3 launch files mentioned above, I was able to get something like this running in rviz:

I still cannnot get my_sensing.launch and my_mission_planning.launch running correctly, so any help or hints would be much appreciated!

Thank you for sharing your experiences. I have exactly same issue.
But I cannot understand how did you solve this problem.
Can you explain about your tries in more detail? Did you edit the my_map.launch file?
I fixed the 3 lauch files, but I wasn’t able the get something like your image.

@Kloping @glen_seo the current master already has those changes implemented, can you check that your local copy of master is up to date?


I am on Ubuntu 16.04 running Docker image (without cuda support) with latest master from Git and trying to run the ROSBAG demo
The ARM interface shows usage of only one CPU. I have a 16 core machine, other cores are always free.Then comes similar errors like above not loading map, as follows
Any hints?

@Kishore_Sheik_Ahamed have you extracted the demo data folder into the .autoware location?

@Kishore_Sheik_Ahamed Please ask your question at the ROS Answers website following our support guidelines. Please pay particular attention to the information we ask you to provide.

Discourse is for news and general interest discussion. ROS Answers provides a forum which can be filtered by tags to make sure the relevant people can find and/or answer the question, and not overload everyone with hundreds of posts.

Thank you for replying!
Yes I am using the latest master, fetched and pulled before doing the Demo. I just checked it again, and it’s still that way.

And I did every step in Demo exactly as told, including extracted the demo data folder into the .autoware location.

Hi glen, I did not edit my_map.launch file. I only edit the 3 launch files mentioned above. One thing might be worth noticing is that, launching my_map.launch alone still doesn’t shows the map, I’d have to launch the modified launch files then the map shows.