Can't matching the map data and sensor scan data in Autoware(In RVIZ)

I clone the whole Autoware software from the Github and did the same things like the Quick start demo guide said. but my autoware can’t matching the map data and sensor data in the same time. They just show the map in the Rviz application and it will show the error at the left side : Transform [sender:unknow_publisher] When i switch Fixed Frame from "world“ to "velodyne” , the sensor scan data will show but map disappear. (My Ubuntu version is 16.04LTS).
Anyone can help to figure it out :frowning:

@Leo_Tang Hi,
Whether map and senser data do not match even if aligning with 2D Pose Estimate?
Please share the screenshot of rviz.

At the beginning: It only show the map

You can see all the error information at the left side:

and, I tried change the global frame: ->velodyne

when I switch back to the “world”: All the display are disappear

I try to fix it during 2 weeks but I am not good at this ,if you know how to solve it please tell me:)

Are there errors on the terminal?
Especially the same error as below issue may have occurred.

This error has been fixed in the latest develop branch.

I checked the terminal ,but I can’t find the error of the terminal:

An error has occurred!
“ResourceNotFound: ndt_localizer”

Which Autoware version are you using?

Please do according to the following wiki:

I think my Autoware version is 1.9.1
I followed this website to install my Autoware:

I’m following your guide link now, thank you!

Thank you for your reply!I have solved the problem.The reason is that the contents in the launch file are incorrect:
I changed the contents of the file:my_localization.launch


Thanks for your help a lot!!!!