1, Not quite sure how to answer. Maybe check this issue? Can you post an issue in the github with detail information?
Can you post here more infotmation as @amc-nu suggested?
Please provide information with the results of colcon build --packages-up-to lidar_point_pillars.
2, Can you check README file. Available here.
Please notice that the license is under BY-NC-SA 3.0.
Checking your environment, and your log files. Seems you have a conflict with the TensorRT versions installed. Remove TensorRT, and re install only one version.
Thank you. You were right. There are some versions from different users. So I decided to use docker. I pulled the 1.11 docker image and installed tensorrt inside that. Then I built autoware successfully. I installed tensorrt 5.1.2 and cuda 10.1 (I did this because when I tried to install trt 5.0.2 with cuda 9 and cudnn 7.3.1 the results were: https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1049509/problem-in-installing-tensorrt-in-docker/?offset=1#5326363 I don’t know the reason. Then I updated everything- cudnn to 7.5 and cuda to 10.1). Now when I run the launch file or run it in runtime manager for point_pillars and set the paths for onnx files, it gives me:
[lidar_point_pillars-2] process has died [pid 11162, exit code -11, cmd /home/autoware/Autoware/ros/install/lidar_point_pillars/lib/lidar_point_pillars/lidar_point_pillars /points_raw:=/points_raw __name:=lidar_point_pillars __log:=/home/autoware/.ros/log/7bd6862c-56e6-11e9-9563-f0d5bff055ff/lidar_point_pillars-2.log].
log file: /home/autoware/.ros/log/7bd6862c-56e6-11e9-9563-f0d5bff055ff/lidar_point_pillars-2*.log
I cannot find the logfiles in the error too. when I use ls in /home/autoware/.ros/log/7bd6862c-56e6-11e9-9563-f0d5bff055ff/ directory I see:
master.log roslaunch-isaac-Lenovo-ideapad-Y700-15ISK-11130.log rosout-1-stdout.log rosout.log
Autoware currently doesnt support 10.1. Switch to 9.0 or 10.0
CUDA 10.1 and Driver Version: 396.54
You have a in compatible setup.
CUDNN version
When switching driver version, be careful of the cudnn version.
If you still get an error, enable output to screen. in the PointPillars launch file, to get the error shown in the screen. http://wiki.ros.org/roslaunch/XML/node
Finally, development in the provided 1.11 Docker image is not recommended.
Instead modify Autoware’s Dockerfile to also include TensorRT when building the image.
Thank you for your helps. I finally built it in docker. using cuda 9.0 and trt 5.0.2. When I use the pre-trained models, it can just detect the car itself. not others. I use sample_moriyama_150324.bag file. Where can I get the files that you used (https://github.com/autowarefoundation/autoware/pull/2029)? I also used kitti data from ‘http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/raw_data.php’ and created a rosbag from it (kitti_2011_09_26_drive_0005_synced.bag), but again the results are same.
Do you have any suggestion?
I mean it just detect the car itself, not other cars around it.
I see the following errors and warnings when I print logs in screen: (sample_moriyama_150324.bag)
[ERROR] [1554461493.214623761, 1427157930.855918749]: “base_link” passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist.
[ WARN] [1554461478.934492458, 1427157916.572421234]: TF to MSG: Quaternion Not Properly Normalized
for kitti data it’s ok (without error). but do not see anything yet
[ERROR] [1554461493.214623761, 1427157930.855918749]: “base_link” passed to lookupTransform argument target_frame does not exist.
[ WARN] [1554461478.934492458, 1427157916.572421234]: TF to MSG: Quaternion Not Properly Normalized
Please check your rosbag has base_link.
Tested on kitti_2011_09_26_drive_0005_synced.bag
Please check the parameter.
Hi ,
I’m new to autoware, I’m not sure how to build autoware inside docker.
I have install tensorrt inside docker container & commit it to new image name, now I’m stuck at how to build it so that i can run point pillars inside autoware docker.
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