Following from the first announcement made by @ThiloZimmermann, I’d like to bring the attention of the community to the robot security survey. We are aiming to share some preliminar results during ROSCon 2019 however in order for us to draw proper conclusions, we kindly ask for participation. Filling it takes about 15-20 minutes.
As pointed out before, the questionnaire will be used to produce research material and all results will be public and completely anonymized.
I just read thru your survey. It looks like you are collecting a lot of personally identifiable information like e-mail address, employer/position, and very specific information on location. Is there any way you could make these inputs optional / more generic, or remove them entirely? My concern is that it is probably not good to have PII next to someone’s security information.
There are also a lot of questions where I had no opinion, but that is not an option to select. I couldn’t submit until I had filled out the whole form. I believe that not allowing people to opt out might make the data less precise.
I’d add to that there’s alot of questions where I don’t fit into any of the categories. “Researcher” or “product engineer” arent options in question 1.
I eventually stopped filling it out because I felt I gave so many answers that didn’t really correctly categorize my work that the answers I feel like I was giving was skewing actual people that fit into those boxes
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and inputs on the Robot Security Survey. Please, feel invited to note aspects to be refined. How do you feel that the survey form can be improved?. It is very much appreciated.
Regarding personal info, all results will be completely unstacked and anonymized. However, all items requesting any sort personal data are to be now reviewed to make them optional and eliminate any kind of disconfort with privacy.
With regards to duties such as product engineer and researcher, they are to be included
Thanks @smac and @Katherine_Scott for reading through it and for sharing your thoughts! Let us review the content based on your comments and re-iterate on this.
If anyone has any suggestion for further improvements, please voice out your opinion. Thanks!
We have reviewed the questions and marked as not mandatory hopefully most items requesting PII, including email. @Katherine_Scott, many thanks for pointing this out. We plan to disseminate publicly outputs, so respondants will still have the chance of seeing the results (email was originally thought to share them)
On a separate pointed by @smac, researcher is represented as R&D, but now we have fit Product eng. as well. It is our intention that the most part of robotics players are represented in the survey. Thanks a lot for sharing!
If there is further refinements that youd like to be done, let us know. Also, please feel invited to fill the survey and invite other roboticists!
@EndikaGu@vmayoral I really appreciate these changes. Sorry to slow down progress but I also want to minimize the potential for doing harm to the community. I’ll see what I can do get the community more involved with this process.