CATIA V5 DAE and URDF exporter

I am working on a CATIA V5 DAE and URDF exporter. I am wondering if anyone else has created a converter from one of the popular “industrial” grade CAD systems. Are there any suggestions, hints, or tips for the best possible conversion.

If I output DAE triangles, trifans, and tristrips elements … that will be able to be imported into RVIZ and Gazebo as optimized primitives?

Many many years ago, I wrote a converter for the output of SimMechanics link. It has largely not been maintained, but the code is available.

The most direct path would be to output individual meshes for each piece of your model and then link them together with a URDF.


That is how the code is spec’ed. Thanks for confirming the direction.
Thanks for the link. I will take a look at it this evening.



Got the link translation working. Starting on the joint translation tomorrow. Looks like it should be smooth sailing from here on the URDF translator.