Anyone working on porting geometric_shapes to ROS2? If not, our team at Persistent System is ready to put the effort in porting geometric_shapes to ROS2. Please let us know if anyone has any concern or can share any vital information that we will help us in this porting effort. If anyone is already working on porting geogeometric_shapes, Please let us know if you will be interested to obtain our assistance in the porting effort.
@davetcoleman, @130s, I see that you are the current maintainer, so tagging you here.
The MoveIt! team welcomes your support in migrating geometric_shapes, that would be great!
There are a number of open issues around some of the mesh and shape functionality that would be ideal to address now, also. Adding test coverage would be great, too. Feel free to reach out to me offline to discuss possibly getting commit access.
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@ davetcoleman, thanks for your response. Iām adding Geometric_shapes in our to-do list and as soon as team is done with first set 6 packages that we are actively working on either porting+testing or testing (as porting is already done), we will prioritize geometric_shapes. We will also reach out to you when we get there which will be very soon.