Hardware Acceleration WG, meeting #8

Hello ROSsers,

I’m happy to call for the eighth Hardware Acceleration Working Group meeting. This time to be held on 2022-04-26T16:00:00Z (your browser’s time). In case you missed past meetings, here’s the ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration Working Group list with past recordings we are keeping. As for the working group resources, find them below:

ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration Working Group (HAWG) resources

The meeting will cover updates over the last month. In particular, we’ll touch on a) updates of REP-2008 to reflect cloud extensions, b) ROS 2 perception Nodes performance benchmarking, c) ROSCon 2022 Hardware Acceleration Workshop, d) the Robotic Processing Unit and e) progress on community ports of the architecture (Ultra96-v2)!

The session will also include a guest talk provided by Jeffrey Ichnowski, a post-doctoral researcher in the RISE lab and AUTOLAB at the University of California at Berkeley, which together with his team led “FogROS 2: An Adaptive and Extensible Platform for Cloud and Fog Robotics Using ROS 2”. This work is specially exciting to me because I collaborated with this group for the last few months to align cloud and edge hardware acceleration capabilities with ROS 2. The results obtained in this research led to ROS VSLAM (ORB-SLAM2) latency reductions of 50%, grasp planning optimizations going from 14s to 1.2s, and motion planning speedups of 28x.

The meeting is initially scheduled to be 60 minutes. Coordinates for the meeting below:

  • Time: 2022-04-26T16:00:00Z
  • Coordinates: https://meet.google.com/djp-xhdo-snd
  • Preliminary agenda:
    1. Welcome and newcomers intro
    2. Working group progress review:
      • updates of REP-2008 to reflect cloud extensions
      • ROS 2 perception Nodes performance benchmarking,
      • ROSCon 2022 Hardware Acceleration Workshop,
      • the Robotic Processing Unit
      • progress on community ports of the architecture (Ultra96-v2)
      • (other topics)
    3. Guest talk: Jeffrey Ichnowski, FogROS 2: An Adaptive and Extensible Platform for Cloud and Fog Robotics Using ROS 2
    4. Q&A
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A kind reminder to everyone, meeting will happen in a few hours.


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