Hardware Acceleration WG, meeting #3

Hello everyone,

Last week we had another successful HAWG meeting. For more, check the resources below:

ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration Working Group (HAWG) resources

We’re calling ahead for the next meeting so that all interested parties can block their calendars. The next meeting will be held the 27th of October (one week after ROSWorld). We’ll be discussing progress and contributions, including the effort to port the current architecture to Ultra96v2 board. In addition, we’ll have another guest speaker: Sabrina M. Neuman. Sabrina is a postdoctoral NSF Computing Innovation Fellow at Harvard University. Her research interests are in computer architecture design informed by explicit environmental and domain-specific insights. She is particularly focused on robotics applications because of their heavy computational demands and potential to improve the well-being of individuals in society. Sabrina will tell us about her research around Robomorphic computing, a design methodology for domain-specific accelerators parameterized by robot morphology.

The meeting initially scheduled to be 60 minutes. Coordinates for the meeting:

  • Time: 2021-10-27T18:00:00Z
  • Coordinates:
    • Phone one-tap: US: +19292056099,98320665790#,0#,1827793305# or +16699006833,98320665790#,0#,1827793305#
    • Meeting URL: Zoom URL
    • Meeting ID: 983 2066 5790
    • Passcode: 1&Cneir?A$
  • Preliminary agenda:
    1. Welcome and newcomers intro
    2. Recap of ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration WG progress
    3. REP-2008 and Ultra96v2 effort
    4. Other topics
    5. Robomorphic computing
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Reminder about this upcoming meeting next week. We’ll have a fantastic guest speaker again and will quickly go through some of the recent contributions that make hardware acceleration easier Simplifying ROS 2 embedded flows with colcon extensions.

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Reminder, the meeting is in a few hours and happening in your timezone at: 2021-10-27T18:00:00Z.

  • Coordinates for the meeting:
    • Join via Zoom URL
    • Join via phone:
      • Phone one-tap: US: +19292056099,98320665790#,0#,1827793305# or +16699006833,98320665790#,0#,1827793305#
      • Meeting ID: 983 2066 5790
      • Passcode: 1&Cneir?A$
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Here’re the minutes and the recording of last week’s meeting:

0:00 Welcome and agenda
Newcomer’s intro
Hardware acceleration in robotics news
REP-2008 review
Recap of ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration WG progress
Simplifying ROS 2 embedded flows with colcon extensions
Testing and benchmarking methodology for acceleration kernels
Ultra96-v2: Progress adding a new community supported board
Robomorphic computing

If you like to get the recording of my talk mentioned by Victor, here is the link:


Thanks @Taz, added that link to the minutes as well.

Worth watching.

Added also the slides Sabrina used during her presentation to the minutes. They’ve been made available here.

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