Dear everyone,
I’m calling for the first Hardware Acceleration Working Group meeting of this 2022. This time to be held on 2022-01-25T18:00:00Z (your browser’s time). In case you missed past meetings, here’s the list with past recordings: ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration Working Group we are keeping.
As for the working group resources, as usual, find them below:
ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration Working Group (HAWG) resources
: Drive creation, maintenance and testing of acceleration kernels on top of open standards (C++ and OpenCL) for optimized ROS 2 and Gazebo interactions over different compute substrates (including FPGAs, GPUs and ASICs). -
Reference hardware platform
: Kria K26 Adaptive SOM -
Meeting invite group
: ROS 2 Hardware Acceleration WG Google Group -
Instant messaging
: Matrix community (Matrix is an open network for secure, decentralized communication). -
Backlog management
: Phase 1: tools, examples, benchmarking and first demonstrators · GitHub -
Github organization
: ros-acceleration -
Meeting minutes
: HAWG minutes -
Discourse tag
: wg-acceleration -
Previous meetings
The meeting will start with a quick review of the progress the group made during 2021 and then head into new updates. Particularly, initial plan is to touch again into ongoing efforts around #10 Survey the community interests on acceleration for ROS 2 and Gazebo, updates on community effort #1 Ultra96-v2: Add a new community support board and new capabilities for benchmarking hardware acceleration kernels in ROS, including a few examples (#9 benchmarking methodology for acceleration kernels).
Upcoming session will also include a guest talk provided by professor Emad Samuel Malki Ebeid. He will tell us about how his research group is using ROS 2 in applications leveraging Drones for Infrastructure Inspections and Interactions and how hardware acceleration is helping them in their endeavours. Don’t miss it, very exciting work they’re leading.
The meeting initially scheduled to be 60 minutes. Coordinates for the meeting below:
- Time: 2022-01-25T18:00:00Z
- Coordinates:
- Meeting URL: Zoom URL
- Phone one-tap: US: +19292056099,96318973915#,0#,4900101309# or +16699006833,96318973915#,0#,4900101309#
- Meeting ID: 963 1897 3915
- Passcode: S@jzpEQ7aP
- Preliminary agenda:
- Welcome and newcomers intro
- Working group 2021 recap
- Working group progress review:
- Guest talk: Emad Samuel Malki Ebeid, Drones for Infrastructure Inspections and Interactions
- Q&A