Infrastructure Community Meeting 2023-09-27

Hello everyone,

The OSRF Project Committee for Infrastructure is holding our next community meeting at 2023-09-27T15:00:00Z.

This meeting will have the following agenda, featuring @Crola1702 presenting on the tools that the Build farmer team within Infrastructure uses to maintain healthy builds of the ROS 2 core and Gazebo.

  1. News and updates from the Infrastructure project (Infrastructure Project committers)
  2. Build farmer tools and scripts :farmer: (Cristóbal Arroyo, Infrastructure Project committer)
  3. Q & A on the presentation and office hours

Meeting details

:clock8: : Date: 2023-09-27T15:00:00Z
:desktop_computer: Place: Virtual at Google Meet
:calendar: Event: Calendar event


Our meeting is starting now! Come join us if you are interested!

:film_projector: You can watch a recording of the meeting here.

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