Is there a ROS 2 gazebo project for humanoids robots?

Dear ROS community,

I was researching if there are ROS 2 Gazebo project for humanoid robots that would facilitate in learning robot locomotion and whole-body motion planning. I am looking towards humanoids similar to Unitree’s H1/H2.

A research scientist from ETH Zurich pointed me to the Issac Gym environment that comes with the assets for H1/H2. But as far as I understand, that simulation pipeline does not use any ROS, and is meant for RL like research.

The closet project I found was Unitree’s ROS 1 project GitHub - unitreerobotics/unitree_ros but it has not been updated for the newer ROS 2 and Gazebo.

Thank you for your time.

With best,

I was just at the Humanoids conference and I didn’t see anything that fits your description.

I would reach out to either Unitree or Red Rabbit Robotics and see if they have a full Gazebo sim on their roadmap.


Hello @azmyin12!

You can find our TALOS/REEM-C Simulations and the related packages needed for the Gazebo simulation on our GitHub page: GitHub - pal-robotics/talos_simulation

For ROS 1 : GitHub - pal-robotics/talos_simulation at kinetic-devel
For ROS 2:

I hope this information helps you.

Thank you!


Hi @saikishor thank you very much for pointing to TALOS and REEM-C packages compatible with ROS 2. I looked at the package.xml file for TALOS, is it currently compatible only with Gazebo 6 (Ignition Fortress)?


Sorry for the late reply. Yes it is compatible on Humble as of now. Work is underway to make it available in Jazzy soon with Ignition.