Jerk-limited trajectory generation: opt_control

Just happened to come across this: opt_control (by Marius Beul from AIS Uni Bonn):

opt_control generates time-optimal second- and third order trajectories from arbitrary start- to arbitrary target states. The trajectories respect per-axis constraints on minimum and maximum velocity, acceleration and jerk.

Unfortunately right now only available as a matlab implementation, but this might be a good candidate for a MoveIt planning adapter (similar to the IPTP and the ISP) or a stand-alone trajectory generation tool for applications.

As I won’t necessarily have time to implement this myself, thought I’d post it to this group to see whether someone would be interested in working on this.


I worked on something similar few years ago.
I wonder how much it would take me to convert this to C++ + Eigen and make it available as a library…

Maybe, if I have some spare time, I will work on this.

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I would be interested on working to incorporate this into MoveIt. If you find some spare time and want to collaborate, please let me know!

Update: the author has indicated that he’s already working on a C++ implementation (AIS-Bonn/opt_control#1), so let’s wait for that.


Thanks for the offer @amarsbars. Let’s wait for the author to make something available and then see what can be done with that.

Final update: the author has made available an initial C/C++ implementation using the Mathworks codegen functionality (ie: a static library with accompanying headers).

This can serve as a base-line for any other implementations in other languages, or even a reimplementation in stand-alone C/C++ without the need for the static library.

I just wanted to inform you, that my library is now available as open-source here:

Feel free to integrate it into moveit!



Any caveats we should be aware of? Edge cases where it fails?