Join ROS 2 Jazzy Learning Week 2024!

Hi ROS community,

The ROS 2 Jazzy Learning Week is a series of free, live, hands-on classes designed for beginners to build a strong foundation in ROS 2. Starting from 2024-07-28T22:00:00Z→2024-08-02T00:00:00Z, each day at 6 PM CEST, you’ll explore a new topic, from basic programming skills to complex ROS 2 concepts.

:calendar: Dates: 2024-07-28T22:00:00Z→2024-08-02T00:00:00Z
:watch: Time: 6 PM CEST daily
:heavy_dollar_sign: Cost: Absolutely FREE!
:red_circle: Live Streaming Link:


  • Day 1 (July 29th): Basic Linux for ROS 2 Programming
  • Day 2 (July 30th): Essential Python3 Programming Skills for ROS 2 Programs
  • Day 3 (July 31st): ROS 2 Fundamentals: how to create and compile packages, what are launch files, ROS 2 nodes, etc.
  • Day 4 (August 1st): ROS 2 Topics - the cornerstone of any ROS 2 program.
  • Day 5 (August 2nd): Hands-on ROS 2 project using a simulated robot.

Mark your calendar! Classes will begin at 6pm CEST every day, allowing you to easily plan and attend these live sessions.

:link: Watch the Live Streaming at: