ROS News for the week of June 3rd, 2024
ROSCon 2024 Registration is now open! This year we’ve doubled the number of ROSCon workshops, and we’re adding dedicated spaces for birds of a feather gatherings and community group meetings. The city of Odense is going to be rolling out the red carpet for our visit, and there will a number of scheduled lab visits, walking tours, and mixers before and after ROSCon. We are recommending ROSCon attendees plan to arrive early and plan to stay for a few days after the conference.
Give a warm welcome to our 2024 ROS / Gazebo Google Summer of Code Students. Find out more about they will be working on this summer on the Open Robotics Blog.
The Open Sauce conference is happening in San Francisco next weekend. A bunch of robotics YouTubers will be speaking at the event. Myself and Phil Nelson, the developer advocate over at OpenCV, have put together an open source at Open Sauce after party for next Friday at the new Studio 45 co-working space in SOMA. If you are in the area please come by, all are welcome, regardless if you are attending Open Sauce.
NVIDIA released Issac ROS 3.0 this week.There are lots of goodies in there, including the FoundationPose detection module I’ve been posting about for the past year.
Check out this TurtleSim Pong demo written with ROS 2 Humble!
- 2024-06-13 ROS Meetup Munich
- 2024-06-13 IEEE Manufacturing Workshop for Robotics Startups
2024-06-14 Source @ Open Sauce After Party in San Francisco
- 2024-06-?? Workshop on Agriculture Vision at CVPR 2024
- 2024-06-11 Warehouse Automation with ROS 2 Open Class
- 2024-06-12 Women in Robotics Boulder @ PickNik
- 2024-06-13 ROS Meetup Munich
- 2024-06-16 Food Topping Challenge at ICRA 2024
- 2024-06-20 ARM Institute Coffee, Robots, and Collaboration
- 2024-06-25 Hamlyn Symposium on Open-Source Software for Surgical Technology
- 2024-06-26 Master Multi-Robot Fleet Management: Open-RMF
- 2024-06-19 => 2024-06-20 ROSCon France
- 2024-07-02 Medical Community Group Meeting
- 2024-07-29 => 2024-08-02 IEEE RAS Multi-Robot Summer School Prague
- 2024-08-05 Autonomous Systems Bootcam at Univ. Deleware– Video
- 2024-08-16 => 2024-08-17 Ubucon Latin America
- 2024-09-07 Silicon Valley Robotics Robot Block Party
- 2024-09-18 Foxglove Actuate San Francisco
- 2024-09-19 ==> 2024-09-20 ROSCon Spain
- 2024-09-25 ROSConJP
- 2024-10-22 → 2024-10-24 AgRobot FIRA in Sacramento
- 2024-10-23 → 2024-10-25 16th International Conference on Social Robotics +AI
- 2024-12-03 ROSCon Germany
- ROSCon 2024 Registration Open / Workshops Announced
- 2024 ROS / Gazebo Google Summer of Code Students – Open Robotics Blog
- ROS 2 Jazzy Jalisco Released
- BotSync Raises $5.2M
- Arduino Alvik Robot – It can run MicroROS
- Inside Apple’s efforts to build a better recycling robot
- Industries may be ready for humanoid robots, but are the robots ready for them?
- NVIDIA highlights Omniverse, Isaac adoption by robot market leaders
- Asensus Surgical agrees to merger with KARL STORZ
- Video Friday
- 2024 ROS Awards
- 2024 Autonomous Driving Challenge (Japanese)
- SLCF-Net: Sequential LiDAR-Camera Fusion for Semantic Scene Completion using a 3D Recurrent U-Net
- Five New ROS Python Tools
- Ping Pong in TurtleSim
- Isaac ROS May Update: 3.0 Release / Lots of Goodies
- 88 New and 326 Updated Packages for ROS 2 Humble Hawksbill
- A lightweight wrapper around the Catch2 testing framework for use with ROS 2
- Colcon in-container can now generate a Debian and runs on Linux, macOS and Windows
- 4 State of the Art Quadrupedal Robot Walking Controllers
- Nav2 Docking Server
- 2024-06-06 Interoperability Working Group Meeting Recording
- 2024-06-03 Cloud Robotics Community Group Meeting Recording
- June Aerial Robotics Meetings
- OGC GeoPose Package
- ROS 2 Jazzy + ROS 2 Control + Hoverboard Demo
- Isaac ROS Jetson Stats
- NVIDIA Jetson Nano: Publish TF Between Object and Camera Frames with ROS 2
- MicroROS Control of a 6DoF Robot Arm by HiWonder with Raspberry Pi Pico
- Radar Layer: RADAR Plugin for Nav2 CostMap2D
- A modular sensing system with CANBUS communication for assisted navigation of an agricultural mobile robot
- IsaacSim ROS 2 Control Example
- LIDAR Cross-Calibration ion ROS 2
- ROSBag Anonymizer
- Applying robot operating system drivers for motor controllers
Got a minute?!
We would really love some help answering ROS questions over on Robotics Stack Exchange!