Hi All,
Thanks for creating this new discussion cateogry.
I am learning ROS and getting my hands dirty with a bioloid humanoid robot as a hobby.
I have created a PCB board that has 4 FSR sensors on each feet to calculate the ZMP to improve balance.
I am using RPI2 but will probably need to upgrade as more sensors will be added.
Various repo I am re-using for the humanoid:
- controller from Dave Coleman:
https://github.com/davetcoleman/ros_control_boilerplate - inspired state machine from these guys:
https://github.com/cogniteam/decision_making - navio+
https://github.com/emlid/Navio - inspired from those repo from humarobotics
https://github.com/HumaRobotics/darwin_gazebo - various inhouse repos to put things together.
I look forward to the various discussions regarding humanoid full stack and improvement to current packages dedicated to humanoid in order to prevent having to re-invent the wheel.