This month, Evan Palmer, an active member of this community group who is recently helping with organization efforts, is going to tell us about his Angler ROS 2 framework published at ICRA 2024 Yokohama last month. Angler is on GitHub (blue, angler).
When: 2024-06-25T15:00:00Z→2024-06-25T16:00:00Z
Where: Virtual at Launch Meeting - Zoom
Calendar event: Google Calendar
Agenda: ROS Maritime Community Group meeting agenda - Google Docs
Angler: An Autonomy Framework for Intervention Tasks with Lightweight Underwater Vehicle Manipulator Systems
“Developing autonomous intervention capabilities for lightweight underwater vehicle manipulator systems (UVMS) has garnered significant attention within recent years because of the opportunity for these systems to reduce intervention operating costs. Developing autonomous UVMS capabilities is challenging, however, because of the lack of available standardized software frameworks and pipelines. Previous works offer simulation environments and deployment pipelines for underwater vehicles, but fall short of providing a complete UVMS software framework. We address this gap by creating Angler: a software framework for developing localization, control, and decision-making algorithms with support for simto-real transfer. We validate this framework by implementing a state-of-the-art control architecture and demonstrate the ability to perform station keeping with a mean error below 0.25 m and waypoint tracking with an average final error of 0.398 m.”
We have a few community updates to share. You are always welcome to add yours.
We are looking to have show-and-tell style meetings in Q3 and Q4 and are looking for feedback.
See you there!
Quick links to resources for the Community Group:
GitHub kanban board
GitHub community
Matrix chat
Google Group (only used to send meeting calendar invites)