Maritime Working Group Meeting July 23: ROS 2 Transforms, Underwater Dynamics, and Fault Response

Hello everyone! This month, Gabriel Pacheco (@gpacheco) from Kraken Robotics will be presenting on ROS 2 transforms, underwater dynamics, and fault response for marine vehicles. Gabriel has been involved in the ROS maritime community in the past, where he helped shape the proposed REP for marine robotics transforms.

When: 2024-07-23T15:00:00Z2024-07-23T16:00:00Z
Where: Virtual at Launch Meeting - Zoom
Calendar event: Google Calendar
Agenda: ROS Maritime Community Group meeting agenda - Google Docs

Kraken Robotics: ROS 2 Transforms, Underwater Dynamics, and Fault Response

“This presentation explores Kraken Robotics’ practices in underwater robotics software development. First, it covers the use of ROS 2 and a Gazebo-based simulatior, highlighting the necessary notation and conventions for kinematic transformations. Next, it discusses underwater dynamics, introducing internal tooling to estimate hydrodynamic coefficients, assess dynamics, and prototype control algorithms. Finally, it briefly addresses safety and fault response, touching on the use of lifecycle managed nodes and ongoing challenges in managing error states.”

If there are any updates or projects that you would like to share with the group, please consider adding them to the meeting agenda!

We look forward to seeing you the meeting!

Quick links to resources for the Community Group:
GitHub kanban board
GitHub community
Matrix chat
Google Group (only used to send meeting calendar invites)


Are these meetings recorded?

Yes they are! The meeting recording will be uploaded to the Open Robotics Vimeo account and then shared in this thread.


Hi Evan, I could not participate in the meeting this time, but I watched your presentation carefully. The results are impressive, and I love how you achieved consistent repeatability of your results in the real world based on the simulation.
The framework you offer is remarkable, very well done, and documented.


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Thank you everyone for attending the meeting! We had a great turnout an excellent presentation! The meeting recording is available on Vimeo

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