Mavros in RosJava


I’m starting learning ROS, because I have bought a drone and I want
to programme it. My purpose is to develop a simple interface with Java,
where I can send instructions to the drone (arm, takeoff, change flight
mode,…) and I’ve read that I should use the MAVLink protocol to
communicate with it. Reading in the forums, I think that I should
use mavros. Can someone give me some orientation about how to do it in Java?

I’ve seen a few tutorials of talker/listeners, but all of them with C++ or Python.

Thank you so much for everything!

Hi @Antolinos95,
You have rosjava and you could receive the messages there. We approached this problem a while ago and we decided that the best solution was to cross-compile mavros for android using the ros android ndk. We bumped into a few problems, the main one being that the environment doesn’t fully support C++11 so we got stucked there.