[meetings] ROSDevCon: Call for Participation - ROS Developers Conference 2019

(*This conference has no relation with the official ROSCon.)

ROS Developers Conference 2019 (ROSDevCon19) - Call for Participation

Date: June 15-16, 2019
Conference website: http://www.rosdevcon.com

Dear colleagues,

The ROSDevCon 2019 is a hands-on online conference for ROS developers. The conference aims to connect ROS developers around the world without geographical restrictions and to advance ROS levels through real-time practice.

During the conference, all participants will practice in real-time on any type of computer while the speakers are presenting. With a ready-made ROSject, participants will be able to launch the robot simulation, access the project’s code, start developing control algorithms…without any previous setup. All the participants will have

  • Access to the conference LIVE streaming

  • Full access to the ROS Development Studio (ROSDS) for programming

  • Full access to the online chat tool with all participants and ROS experts

  • Access to ROSjects (containing simulations, packages with pre-defined code)

  • An e-book of ROS2 Basics

  • Access to the video recording


  • Carlos Rosales (CTO at Beta Robots): CHESS LAB

  • Davide Faconti (Senior Robotic Architect at Blue Ocean Robotics): Finite State Machines are dead. Long life Behavior Trees

  • Dominik Nowak (CEO at Husarion): Object search in ROS

  • James Carroll (Associate Professor at Clarkson University): Use an open Manipulator to play tic-tac-toe

  • Miguel Angel Rodriguez (CTO at The Construct): ROS connection to a RaspberryPi PanAndTilt through ROSDS

  • Ludovic Delval (Software Engineer at Fraunhofer IPA): Porting a node from ROS1 to ROS2

  • Luca Marchionni (CTO at PAL Robotics): Table segmentation with PCL ROS

  • Tomoya Fujita (Software Developer at Sony Corporation): Unix Domain Socket communication in ROS


The Construct

You can contact us with questions and doubts here: info@rosdevcon.com