Join the Security Working Group for a demo of MoveIt2 next Tuesday! This virtual meeting will led by Henning Kayser, MoveIt2 Development Lead, on Tuesday January 12 at noon EST.
In late 2020 the Security Working Group set a goal of documenting a fully-enabled security implementation for one or more real-world systems. We plan to document a reference implementation that others can follow, and also use this to explore more complex configurations such as topic-level security, CPU utilization and so on. The purpose of this demo is explore MoveIt2 as a potential use case–to become familiar with the platform and explore how to secure it with SROS2.
Meeting details are below, we look forward to seeing you there! We also plan on recording the demo if you’re unable to attend in person.
Thank you to Henning for a great discussion on MoveIt 2 and security yesterday! A recording of the meeting is available been posted in the ROS 2 Working Groups YouTube channel: