ROS News for the Week of 1/10/2021
ROS Goes Racing
ROS 2 Foxy Leg Detector
- Recording: Ignition Community Meeting on Fuel
- Recording: ROS Industrial EU Conference
- Recording: Secure MoveIt demo from Security WG
- 1/25/2021 Webots ROS 2 Meeting
- First RISC-V Linux SBC Run
- New Toy Arm + Vision + Jetson Kit
- Bosch on microROS
- microROS on ESP32!
- New ROS Compatible Depth Camera
- microROS on Arduino
- PX4 MAVROS Tutorial in Python
- K3lso Quad Build on Hackaday
ROS Packages
- Kinetic Update
- Open Dog Runs ROS for Autonomy
- ROS 2 Dashing Update
- ROS Touchscreen Dashboard Package
- ROS 2 OpenVino Toolkit 0.9.0 Released
- Safety Hazards and Risks in ROS
- ROS 2 Foxy Compatible Leg Detector