MoveIt Maintainer Meeting Recap - April 25th, 2019

Thanks for the notes!

Our team would’ve loved to participate in the meeting. Asked for an invitation but never got one (@mlautman and @davetcoleman, what happened?). Would it be possible to post it (publicly) in advance the same way other groups are doing?

I’d argue several of these points and further extend some others but unfortunately, we didn’t get the chance to participate.

Overall, we are aiming to have a minimum set of functionality for Dashing including some demonstrators but certainly not a feature complete port (which was never the goal for Dashing). May/June are our internal deadlines.

For anyone interested in the ROS 2 port, we’ll be having meetings from now on in the open through the ROS 2 Manipulation WG. First meeting already announced at Manipulation WG - Friday 3rd of May, 17:00 CET (9AM PDT, 1AM JST).

If you need to decide now, then I’d advice for a navigation tutorial however if you have still room for the decision, I’d advice to check back with us at the end of June. That’ll give you a nice picture of the status and enough time to prepare the tutorial.

(no formal commitment about this for now) While our current roadmap finishes in June with the first demonstrators of MoveIt 2, provided we have enough resources, we probably will continue supporting the MoveIt community for a few more months. This should push the maturity of the port over the summer.